Hit High Notes Without Strain
Enhance Vocal Range, Pitch, Tone
Restore and Maintain Vocal Health
You actually don’t know how good you could sound, until you learn how to play your vocal instrument. Let me guide you through the discovery of your voice!
No upper age limit
Vocal folds are muscles, that can work amazingly with the appropriate training. Imagine going to a gym for your voice, with no sweat, but a lot of fun!
Singers, actors, public speakers
Not just Dreams but Concrete Results
Enthusiastic students from all over the world
Here's What they say

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Lover of challenges
Hi there, this is Tiziana. I’m an italian vocal coach, specialised in adult vocality, with a particular focus on vocal health, range extension and tuning.
Class Modalities for Every need

One-shot lessons or packages, fixed or flexible schedule. Secure payment system.